Flying the coop
Have u ever heard the words "i wish i could leave this country"or "i hate this country" or "just wait and see, as soon as i can im leaving this country" ...or have u uttered those words yourself?? or something along the lines of that....I've heard it countless times from frens and neighbours, ill admit i have had those thoughts in my head too last time, never actually said it out loud, but i have had those thoughts before nonetheless...I kinda feel now that those ppl who say that just have no idea how lucky they lucky they are to be in malaysia as opposed to saaay india (im sooo sure all those here would agree with me on this one..rite?? ) or any other place.....was talking with yowie bout it recently...he mentioned about ppl that are lucky enough to get to do what they want in malaysia, the job they want, the courses they want, scholarships etc.etc.... but then cus of little little things they wanna run away to another country.... i guess i got to agree with him it does sound very unappreciative..........well maybe its the type of thing where u got to experience life without it before u can truly appreciate it... honestly i been to hmmm 9 countries so far and stayed for a long time in 2 of them, and to me there is still no place like malaysia, no place like place where the ppl, the food, the culture and everything else even comes close.... dont get me wrong though, all the plcs i been, it has all been amazing places to go on holidays and all that, but i wouldnt want to stay there....i think sometimes ppldont realize that visiting a plc for a holiday and staying there are 2 very very different things...Some ppl say they wanna leave cus of the goverment and all the probs ass. with it....well i think there isnt a country in the world where the gov doesnt have any probs...Some say its cus of the annoying ppl....Gosh just try your hand at staying here, ill bet u anything u would want to strangle all the "tempes" within a year... the annoyance and the inefficiency cant be compared at all to what goes on back homeWell the list of excuses can go on and on....and i guess so can the list of rebuttals as well.....ultimately its a personal choice and preference i suppose... but, to me, msia is still a wonderful plc to stay....
The End
test test test
Your Inner European is Irish!

Sprited and boisterous!
You drink everyone under the table.
Your Career Type: Investigative

You are precise, scientific, and intellectual.
Your talents lie in understanding and solving math and science problems.
You would make an excellent:
Architect - Biologist - Chemist
Dentist - Electrical Technician - Mathematician
Medical Technician - Meteorologist - Pharmacist
Physician - Surveyor - Veterinarian
The worst career options for your are enterprising careers, like lawyer or real estate agent.
Your Career Type: Investigative

You are precise, scientific, and intellectual.
Your talents lie in understanding and solving math and science problems.
You would make an excellent:
Architect - Biologist - Chemist
Dentist - Electrical Technician - Mathematician
Medical Technician - Meteorologist - Pharmacist
Physician - Surveyor - Veterinarian
The worst career options for your are enterprising careers, like lawyer or real estate agent.
Your Kisses Are Medium-Hot

Your kisses are definitely sexy, but you're not about to make anyone gasp for air.
You take it slow and steady... and you ramp things up when you get the right signals.
Your kissing style is adaptable and adept. And people who kiss you love it!
You Are Pretty Happy Being Single

You have a full, fun life. And you definitely don't need love to be content.
Of course, being single can get you down a little. Especially when you've been single for a while.
But you know how to be patient and wait for the right person. You're life is too good to settle for anything!
You Are a Soft Kisser

Your kissing style is understated, but effective
You give soft, sweet, and soulful kisses.
And the key is, you only give kisses to someone incredibly special
Because you don't just go around kissing anyone
Your True Love Will Find You Eventually

You definitely put yourself out there a little - but you could be doing more.
If you're truly looking for love, try doing more things and meeting more people.
You don't have to actively look for love, you just need to stay active.
Be out there a little more, and the right person will find you!
You Are Iceman

You tried to live a normal life, but it just wasn't possible
A bit of a slacker, you rather tell jokes than cultivate your powers
Powers: turning self and others into ice, making ice weapons, becoming nearly invisible
The End
The End
Blog reborn
final-freakingly this new blog skin n template is done... took soo freaking long thanks to the problems getting the html codes to work (me being a noob at html coding didnt help much)...
so how? is it nice? i know its a bit small though....btw just so u know it doesnt work well with internet u ppl dont complain about that and just use Mozilla instead k....its better anyway :P
First off...special thanks to my darling cousin for designing the background for me *hugs* belanja u bah kut teh when i come back in september ok !!!
Note: i put the tiger in myself ...hehehe...proud of that one small task !!!!
And a big big big thank u to Chin Jun for solving the multitude of probs i hade with the html codes.
Theres been quite a big gap in between this post n the last one... so ill recap whatever i can remember...
ah yes yes .... besides my blog getting bike was reborn as well.... its no longer pink!!!
here are a few pics.... i love the colour ..came out just how i wanted it too...thank God was scared that stupid mechanic was going to screw it up...

pay no attention to the cow bike in the background =P
K so hmmm whats next..... oh yeah UTSAV (intercollege cultural competition) was next.... nothing much there...mostly i was running around editing music for fren....took part in general quiz, mad ads and potpurri.... lost miserably in all.... was freaking unfair though....the general quiz was more like an indian quiz then general knowledge....that was fucked up...and the potpourri was no better....for the Tom,Dick n Harry segment we got some congressman from a northen indian state who was once some indian actors lawyer...WTF the hell are we suppose to guess that.... fucking unfair... think the only good thing bout UTSAV was the half day classes...that was nice...
anyhooo my college got 6th plc overall if im not mistaken... good jobs ppl...congrats to all the winners!!!
Then right after UTSAV was North-South games... just so ppl dont get mistaken like someone (u know who u are..hehehe) ....its not north india vs south india k...its all malaysian students and u compete based on which state ur selangor is south and penang is north.... took part in volleyball... we won that....close game though...playd all 5 sets..
supremo games coming up soon too...think will play volleyball too i guess since Ruben asked...
hmmm what else what else.... oh personal achievement attained the other day ...haha..proud of me self.... dont really wanna go into the details of it... but its a nice feeling..very relieving...took quite a while n alot of energy but its finally done with....havent felt this good in a long time... to those of u involved in it (im sur e u know who u are)..THANK U PPL!!!!!
okie dokie...this post stops here...micro test tomorrow morning and im not done studying also yet...dammm....always end up studying last minute...sooo not good...
adios for now
The End