Time to get rid of the dust
my gosh its been ages since my last post (not including the how much my blog is worth post)... well guess its finally time to do some spring cleaning... hmmm....more like summer cleaning actually... got to get rid of all the dust that has accumulated over the past months...
hmm since i'm way too lazy to type out everything that has happened since my last post think i'll just start from when i left home after the vacation and came back here (sigh...vacation....a word i wont be seeing again for another 5 months)
well the flight back to banglore was ok ok lah....slept most of the way (i almost always sleep during long trips....hehe...im the worst choice if ur looking for someone to have a conversation with on long trips)....when we landed in banglore airport it was almost 12am local time...the busses we hired were suppose to be waiting for us...instead we had to wait for them...for 2 bloody hours i might add...ish india!! sigh!!....slept for most of the 8 hour bus ride too.....was freeeeezing cold in the bus...not too mention it felt like a mini rollercoster...bouncing here and there... a couple of ppl ended up falling "bus-sick" and out came dinner...reach uni at about 9 sumthing in the morning...
well the following few days were pretty normal....back to classes after a few days....managed to get into table 5 for anatomy dissection which is the 2nd best table...
Then the new batch came....so as is the tradition here we are suppose to organise a welcoming/orientation programme for the juniors....preparations for the orientation programme was pretty stresfull...lots of problems here and there....but in the end turned out to be and amazing programme.... all the faculty members said that this was the best orientation they had seen so far...so what made it so special...well lets see.....besides food....there were perfomances by my batchmates....the malay guys did a silat performance accompanied by live singing and guitar which was amazing....next up was a dance performance by thiru, gayathri, vali, tasha, bob and baveen.... then came a spectacular duet by ismail and su lin singing "i want to spend my lifetime loving you" originally by marc anthony n tina arena...next was another dance performance by the malay girls...they danced to oh carol (very cute performance was the review by the audience)....then came 2 icebreaker games....first was to group the juniors....each person was randomly given names of different animals...they had to make the noise of the animal they had chosen and find other group members by the sounds they were making....the second game was "untangle" where they had to hold hands and try to untangle themselves without letting go....this was followed by a musical/dance performance in which yours truly was involved...basically we altered the lyrics to some songs...sang it while we had a mixture of truly funny dances, some breakdancing and some normal dance going on simultaneously...oh and we dressed like idiots...hehe..all in the name of fun....after that there was 3 more dances and another singing performance...all of which were great...and for the finally... we played a movie tittled "the journey" a batch 17 production shot entirely in manipal...the short movie was meant to inspire and motivate the juniors to be the best they can be and not loose track of their goal and dream...To Be A Doctor...the movie was awesome...even got a standing ovation from the crowd (bear in mind the crowd did consist of our batchmates as well..hehehe)
ok ....now the next interesting thing to happens started last friday....UTSAV was being held...an inter-mahe colleges cultural competition....a very big yearly event held here in manipal involving every faculty here as well as that in the manglore campus....well most of the time i was busy watching my colleges performances in competitions and cheering them on ....i did take part in the cultural parade...which went very well considering we were told we had to enter it 2 days before the competition...giving us a day of practice....basically the cultural parade goes like this....each team has to pick a theme (something cultural)...then they have 3 mins to do a perforamce sort of thing to potray the said theme (without mentioning which college they are from or which country)....teams are judged based on performance and costumes....our theme was martial arts...low and behold whose name got shouted out when it came to taekwondo..yup yours truly again...yikes....so had to put together a 40 second performance in less than a day ....we ended up having 3 groups...silat, karate n taekwondo...miraculously (and with a hell of a lot of very looooooong practice sessions) we managed to come up with something n performed it well for the competition....we lost though as we did not have enough time to get costumes together due to the short time period (the other teams were soo elaboratly dressed)...only silat who had costumes from the orientation programme were dressed up... anyway there is always next year... oh and imagine the pressure put on us as my college had won the cultural parade 3 years in a row so far...well there goes the winning streak.....
well so far my college has won a couple of competitions....tomorrow is the last day of competition....tonite there was a fashion show competition...college didnt enter as we did not have enough time.... grace's college was there ( btw good job gracie on ur performance.... got potential to become model leh...hehe....maybe can join india's next top model =P )
well think i better stop here for now...very sleepy already....and i have class tomorrow...ish stupid histology practicals :(
The End
wah!!! im rich !!!!!
fuu..my dusty old blog worth so much...hahahaha
anyone interested in buying it?????
The End
so little time
wah...dammm tension now....havent finished studying for immunity test ..which is tomorrow btw...neither have i even started studying for pharmac sdl viva on tues....sigh...im so damm screwed....to add on to that tension...blocks is in a week....aaaarrrrrgggghhhh!!!!!
sooo...with all this...what did i do yest...i went boating...yeah boating...LOL...
anyway here are a few pics...first time i been to this lake in manipal...only found out about the existence of this lake a few months ago....

shit i looked stoned in this pic...im sooo not photogenic....hmmm also reminds me why i should shave often..
found this link somewhere...found it funny...if u have time take a look
found this comment on a frens blog...
tis type of people...from a psycological way...they are trying to protect themselves from being hurt....so they lie...they cant help but keep on lying...
now im honestly not talking about any thing specific here..soo hope no one gets offended ya...but its interesting..n i kinda agree with it...its probably not true for all situations..but overall i feel its true....ppl do mainly lie to protect themselves...to avoid being hurt...it may not be done intentionally...they may have a noble reason for lying...but subconsciously i think it boils down to this...heck its human nature to protect ones self from hurt...its an innate evolutionary instinct...survival of self over others...
and yeah a lie does breed more lies...cus of the simple fact, i feel, that once u lie it becomes close to impossible to rectify it without u urself being hurt...
The End